Saturday, December 11, 2021

"Strange" doesn't even begin to cover it

 Something happened last night. I know it happened because I saw the results this morning. Also, the dogs were barking like crazy around 12:00 and I figure now that must have been when what went down was going down. I think I can deduce some of the connections between those things I know for sure but I can't be certain.

So, as I said, just after midnight the dogs were barking up a storm. I hoped they'd stop but they didn't, so, around 12:30 I let them out. I could see through a window that they were at the fence where they continued barking, but they left off shortly and came back inside. I managed to go back to sleep and got up at our usual time to go for a walk. Our usual time is around 4:00. I like to go while it's dark (before it gets hot and while there aren't a lot of other people, or any) so it was still dark.

When I got to the gate, I could see that it was busted open. I have a carabiner in the latch to keep the more "dogged" dogs from being able to nose it open. That was still in place so (deduction:) someone must have forced the gate without opening the latch. I had to work the hinges back into alignment but, all told, nothing really was damaged. We went for our walk. 

When we got back, it was still dark but as I rounded the corner of the terrace, I saw that the back gate was open. Investigating, I found that the same, brute force method had been employed, and, as with the other gate, no permanent loss of function had ensued. However, at this gate I noticed that the shed had been opened, also forcibly. In the darkness, I could just make out that something was, indeed, missing. I have a cordless string trimmer/blower set (they share a battery pack that was inside the house) and it was gone.

After it got light out, I went to see what was the deal with the shed and its contents - or lack of contents. As I rounded the corner of the house, I noticed that, off in the other direction, there was my trimmer, and blower, and a machete that isn't a particularly good example of its kind but I've had it forever. Also there were my branch cutters and some garden shears. They were all stacked neatly, not dropped in a hurry when the dogs started barking. Moreover, when I went to put them back in the shed, whose door required almost no effort to return to complete functionality, I found, in addition to a cigarette butt, a hoodie and a bandanna (that had apparently been used as a head band).

I surmise that some guy - likely high on something stronger than pot - had come looking for stuff and found mine wanting. I suppose I should be insulted but I'm not. I suppose I should feel violated, but I really don't. I left the hoodie and the bandanna draped over the wall at the alley in case he wants to come back for them. I tossed the cigarette butt.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Sad Hypocrisy

 From 27May21:

An east Tennessee woman has been charged with seven counts of felony reckless endangerment after allegedly driving her car through a COVID-19 vaccination site as an apparent protest against the vaccine.

I wish this was unusual, but it's not. It's just another tragic incidence of disregard for the well being of one's fellow inhabitants of the community, or indeed, the planet.

But what makes my blood boil (and admittedly it's always on a slow simmer) is how hypocritical conservatives are about every single so-called principle they hold dear. Conservatives are, supposedly, stalwarts in support of individual liberties. Except, it seems, when a lot, or even any, individuals want to do something they, the conservatives, think is ... I don't even know.

Let's take abortion. Nobody says you have to have an abortion but the conservative mindset is that it's not enough to have individual agency. Because they don't want one, nobody can have one. 

And now it's vaccines. I don't know what that lady's problem is with vaccines but how can it possibly matter to her that someone else gets vaccinated? Even if Covid is a liberal conspiracy, which it isn't. Even if the vaccine is a government plot to turn the vaccinated into mindless drones. So, don't get vaccinated. Why try to run the future drones down in the street?

I just don't get it.