Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The unfortunate irony of capitalism

At this time the presidential campaign of Republican Mitt Romney is in turmoil in large part due to some unfortunate comments he made at a fund raiser in Florida. The country as a whole is confused as to how to interpret an apparent  right-off of 47% of the population. Romney tried to walk his statements back, saying that he is in favor of policies that will create opportunities and prosperity for all Americans. The problem is, he's right.  Furthermore, Obama and the Democrats are really in the same position. Capitalism is a shell game. That's the irony of sending Bernie Madoff to jail for stripping the dross off the very nature of Capitalism and running an "honest" Ponzi scheme. The truth is, Capitalism cannot work for all the people. Sooner or later, the pyramid collapses, the music stops and anyone without a chair can't sit at the table.

Now, it is well established that Capitalism, like musical chairs, is an efficient engine for innovation and industry. The problem is, simple conservation principles and economic imperatives combine to thwart any possibility that everyone can be a winner. There just isn't enough to go around. And even if there was, there's no way to win if there aren't losers. That's just the nature of musical chairs. So, of course the government, which is just the manifestation of society, needs to redistribute wealth. Ponzi schemes are incapable of self-restraint.

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