Saturday, October 25, 2014


I like okra. I know a lot of people don't but I must say I don't know why they don't. I first encountered okra (μπάμια) in a Greek restaurant in Vancouver in 1973. I was an instant fan. Since then, I've tried to grow okra myself with limited success. First in Montana, even with a start in a hot bed they never even flowered before the frost came. Later, in Colorado, I was able to get them to produce one or two fruits before the season ended.

Fast forward to San Benito. I didn't get around to planting until June. Here it is late October and the okra is still growing. I've been harvesting in ones and twos for months but now it looks like I'm going to have a real crop, from just three plants, and who knows how long they'll keep growing? The plants are tall (around 5') and bushy and right now they all have multiple fruits and they're still flowering.

I'm still having trouble figuring out how to shade, when to water, what can handle the soil. I've killed a couple of avocado trees, a banana, and a papaya. My tomatoes grew out ok but then never developed fruit. But at least with the okra, I'm declaring success!

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