Thursday, August 25, 2016

Instead of killing wolves...

This is sad --

Of the 90 or so wolves in the state of Washington, a pack of a dozen has been killing cattle so Fish and Wildlife is now going to kill the entire pack. I get it. That's really all the State can do, but surely the conservation groups could do, or better, could have done, something to forestall this "consummation devoutly NOT to be wished". Since this probably won't be the last time, I think someone, WWF or even hunting guides should start a fund. The money would come from donations but also "predator safaris" where tourists get to see wolves. I mean, if they're preying on cattle, how hard can they be to find?. Then the ranchers can be paid a fair price for their losses and the wolves can just go ahead and, you know, wolf it up.

This is all very easy to say, of course, from my distant perch in South Texas but I know that Yellowstone Park is always full of wolf tourists. Why not rural Washington, or Idaho, or wherever?

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