Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I'm trying to understand the current fuss about immigration, illegal or otherwise. What if, instead of Mexico, Colorado were being flooded with transplants from, say, Kentucky. What would we do? Surely, those new Coloradans would be competing with those already here for jobs. Would we tell them they couldn't come? More likely, we would, as a nation, address the issue in Kentucky that was causing them to leave.

I know, really I do: Mexico is a foreign country. But here's the point: we have a trillion dollar deficit. We're spending money we don't have to fight in Iraq. We're spending money we don't have to fix the levies in New Orleans. And now we're going to spend more money we don't have to do what everyone knows will not solve the problem of immigrants coming across the Mexican border. I'd rather spend less money to fix the problem, rather than more money to just act tough. The United States should work with the Mexican government to address problems in the Mexican economy that force (yes, force) people to seek jobs here. It would be cheaper in the short term, way cheaper in the long term, and it might actually work.

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